The Big Big Goals Club is an online life management system designed to help you to increase your personal effectiveness and achieve more of what you want in life. It provides an automatic framework for your personal development through regular online programs that you can participate in on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.

For instance, if you only review your goals once per year, like New Year resolutions, then it is HIGHLY likely that you will fail to achieve them.  On the other hand, if you review your goals once per month, or even better once per week, then it is FAR more likely that you will achieve what you want!

Napoleon Hill said, "A goal is a dream with a deadline". However, your dream will only become your reality, when you actually schedule the actions and tasks that it takes to achieve your goal, and then consistently go out there and take action.

These goal review and task scheduling processes are just two aspects of the Big Big Goals Club....

So, what is the Big Big Goals Club?

Basically, it is an online service that combines the following aspects into a unique personal development system.
  • Sophisticated goal tracker
  • Task planner
  • To-do list manager
  • Online calendar
  • Life and success journal
  • Reminder service
  • Community of people interested in personal development and success who you can access for help and support

Used together, the tools of the Big Big Goals Club help you to structure your life and organise your time so you achieve more success.

What are the benefits of joining the Big Big Goals Club?

By using the tools within the Big Big Goals Club regularly, you can receive the following benefits:

  • You take charge of your life, plot the course and set sail for your chosen future.
  • You develop an abundance mentality and a positive can-do attitude.
  • You develop your self-discipline, willpower and master your internal dialogue.
  • You become more effective, efficient and motivated to achieve the success you desire.
  • You stay focussed and motivated in the longer term. You develop your tenacity and persistence.
  • You actually achieve your goals because you schedule the tasks it takes to achieve them!
  • You achieve your long term objectives because you break those down into achievable medium and short-term goals.
  • By interacting with other members on the site, you can develop your own support group of people who are either trying to the achieve the same goals as you, or who have already achieved them. ie. find a goal buddy, mentor, or even develop your own mastermind team!

Online Goal Tracker that integrates into your own calendar

The Big Big Goals Club automates your personal development process. By using our calendar to schedule both the actions you will take to achieve your goals, as well as your goal reviews, you simultaneously schedule the course of your own personal development.

Eight programs to schedule and automate your personal development

Integrated into The Big Big Goals Club are 8 programs designed to ensure your continued success.
These programs include elements designed to increase your abundance mentality, your motivation and sense of direction.
They include:

  • A Daily Gratitude exercise which will help to create an abundance mentality which is vital if you want to create positive change in your life in so many areas.
  • A Daily Affirmation exercise tailored to what you want to achieve, to keep you concentrated upon who you want to become, what you want to achieve, and to get you motivated every morning. This also filters down to programming your subconscious mind.
  • A Weekly Goal Review and Planning Process to keep you on target for achieving your goals. By planning the week ahead, you will be more effective and make more progress towards your goals.
  • A monthly "Wheel of Life" exercise and Monthly Checklist that charts your progress each month. This gives you a broad overview of the state of your life and your personal developmental progress.
  • A Six Monthly Goal Review process to ensure that you are on track, and that when you keep moving forward in the right direction. Have your goals changed over the course of the year? Do you need to set new ones?
  • An End of Year Review process to extract learning and understanding about how you did during the year - what you would have done differently? and a look at your progress and successes during the year.
You can set up these programs to suit your schedule and send you timely reminders by email.

Ten online personal development tools

In addition to the 8 programs that form the core of the BBGC system, there are 10 online personal developments tools you can use which are designed to help you generate clarity, motivation, and greater self-awareness.
With The Big Big Goals Club, you bring multiple elements of your personal development under one systematised service.
  • You keep track of your own "Bucket List": the list of the things, activities, goals you wish to experience over the course of your entire life. Gradually you will convert these bucket list items to goals which you will achieve. 
    Plus, you can also see what other ideas the community comes up with for inspiration!
  • You design your 5 year vision. Where do you want your life to be in five years time? Once you have established your vision, this tool helps you to determine what goals you wish to set today to achieve in the next six months/year on a course towards your vision
  • Carry out an emotional inventory. When did you feel most proud? Most loved? Most appreciated? By becoming consciously aware of the positive aspects of your past, you become a more positive person in the present and less prone to depression. Plus, by combining your enhanced awareness of these memories with neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) techniques that we will teach you, you will learn to manage your state and be able to re-create those strong, positive emotions you desire to feel more often.
  • Create your success list. When were you successful? Of what are you proud? By being more aware of how successful you have been in the past, you become more positive and success-orientated.
  • Create your energy-drag list. What factors in your life are you putting up with? What are you tolerating in your life? Each of these individual factors act to consume your energy. However, by becoming aware of what energy-drags you have in your life, you can start to systematically eliminate them, thus freeing up your mental resources.
  • Do you know what makes you feel good? Most of us fall into patterns or habits of ways that make us feel good. Some of those are not so good for us - like too much wine, beer or chocolate! This tool gets you to expand your mind and create new and improved ways to get to feel good! Creating this list expands the possibilities of how you can change your mood at any given moment and feel better.  Plus, if you get stuck, you can dip into the collective mind of the community to see what other people do to feel good!

Gamify your Goals

Playing games is fun and helps motivate you.
Consequently, every action taken in the Big Big Goals Club earns you points.
Things like completing actions towards your goals, and completing goals themselves earn you more points, however simply encouraging other members and contributing to the community earn you points too.
You can compare against your previous monthly score, or compete against your friends using the Big Big Goals Club too.

If you contribute to the community greatly, then your social points will win you badges: awards that appear on your profile.

How much does it cost to join?

Right now, we are still in the process of redeveloping the site, so if you join now, before our re-launch, then please accept that you might come across certain functionality that is still in development and the odd programming bug or two. In effect, you will be a beta-tester for us!

However, in exchange for helping us test the site just by merely using it, you will be given a free lifetime membership.
Once the site is properly re-launched, the price will no longer be free, so it makes sense to sign up now!

For an example of some of the tools available, please take a look....

All round life assessments

"Success-minded people don’t think negatively when negative things start happening all around them. They think “this is the time when success is right around the corner, and whatever happens, I will get it!""
- Eban Pagan